Primary care centres

In an antibiotic smart primary care centre, the staff show strong adherence to treatment protocols for common infections and engage in dialogues with patients about accurate diagnostics, self-care and how to use antibiotics responsibly.

Drawing of house with a red cross and different kinds of peopleAntibiotic smart primary care centres adhere to high hygienic standards thereby fostering a safe healthcare environment. In total, there are around 10 criteria for primary care, structured around IPC guidelines and Strama guidelines.

The Swedish Strategic Programme Against Antibiotic Resistance (

Antibiotic-smart criteria for primary care centres are currently being piloted in 17 centres across Sweden.

Examples of criteria for primary care:

Organisation & collaboration

The health care centre has a designated doctor, nurse and assistant nurse with special responsibility for antibiotic, healthcare hygiene and infection prevention issues. This person receives training and shares knowledge and insights with colleagues to help the centre to implement guidelines.

Measurements & follow-up

The centre follows and monitors its total antibiotic prescription as well as targeted infection indicators and feeds into systems for diagnosis-linked data. The centre actively tracks its own adherence to treatment guidelines and actively participate in comparative analysis with other health care centres.

Routines & working methods

The centre applies best-practice methods developed by Strama and maintains a close collaboration with the local Strama group.

Education & professional development

The health care centre staff participate annually in continuing education to strengthen their knowledge about antibiotic resistance and stewardship