Antibiotic Smart People and Community Engagement

To prevent and control antibiotic resistance, we must consider people in different societal roles and their interactions with societal structures and culture.

Antibiotic Smart Sweden seeks to understand influences on behaviours and how best to engage citizens and communities.

Drawing of different kinds of people

We want to strengthen knowledge and trust and provide an opportunity for engagement. This means we need to involve many different actors as well as listen to and learn about the needs and perspectives of different groups in society. Through patient and child rights perspectives, we are exploring outreach through pharmacies, patient organisations, migrant networks and primary care centres and culture. We also build this knowledge into our antibiotic smart criteria – both in the participatory process to develop criteria, and through activities outlined in the criteria and supporting materials.

Antibiotic Smart Criteria

In the fall of 2023, ReAct, Uppsala Antibiotic Centre and Antibiotic Smart Sweden led educational webinars and a workshop promoting systematic and meaningful engagement of communities and civil society groups as key stakeholders in the global response to antibiotic resistance.

Watch recordings and read the report from the workshops and webinar (