
The EU Reference Laboratory for Public Health (EURL-PH-ERZV), led by the Public Health Agency of Sweden, is one of nine European Reference Laboratories designated in 2024 by the European Commission. The new network of EURLs supports the European Center for Disease prevention and Control (ECDC) and National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) of EU member states with diagnostics, surveillance, and outbreak response – together ensuring coordinated preparedness and security against health threats across Europe.

EURL-PH-ERZV (EU reference laboratory for Public Health on Emerging, Rodent-born and Zoonotic Viral Pathogens) is focused on improving preparedness and response to public health threats caused by specific high-risk viral diseases. These include diseases caused by viruses like pox, arena, hanta, filo, rabies and lyssa viruses, as well as novel viruses that may emerge, i.e. “disease X.”

Apart from Public Health Agency of Sweden, the consortium consists of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases (INMI) in Italy, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NNGYK) in Hungary and Institute Pasteur in France. Each partner brings expertise and experience, both essential to support laboratories across the EU Member States.

The core responsibilities of the EURL include:

  • Provide support to national reference laboratories: Promoting good practices in diagnostics, molecular profiling, and surveillance. This is done through laboratory network meetings, technical reports, provision of EQAs and reference material as well as other activities.
  • Outbreak response: Providing crucial support during public health crises and facilitating a coordinated response to biological threats.
  • Research and training: Offering expertise, continuing quality assessments, and validation of testing methods across EU Member States. Training and twinning visits is provided yearly throughout and hosted by the institutions within the consortium.

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