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173 träffar på vaccine inom Hela webbplatsen
Vaccination against mpox – an update due to the increased spread of clade 1
Publicerad:The updated vaccine recommendations concern individuals traveling to countries with ongoing community-based mpox-virus clade 1 transmission and are at increased risk for exposure to mpox.
Protection by a third and fourth dose of vaccine against COVID-19 among persons aged 65 years and older – Based on Swedish data from February to August 2022
Publicerad:This report presents an analysis of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) after a fourth dose in relation to SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe outcomes due to the omicron variant among persons aged 65 years and older in Sweden.
Externa länkar om vaccinationer på internationella webbplatser
Uppdaterad:Här samlas länkar till ett urval av webbplatser. När du klickar på länken lämnar du Folkhälsomyndighetens webbplats. Folkhälsomyndigheten tar inte ansvar för innehåll på externa webbplatser.
Influenza vaccination – Information for pregnant women
Publicerad:The fact sheet on influenza vaccination is a support for those who work with pregnant women. The fact sheet can, for example, be downloaded and distributed at maternity care centers.
Good to know about vaccination against tuberculosis
Publicerad:Fact sheet for parents about vaccination against tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a rare disease in Sweden and the vaccination is only offered to children who have an increased risk of becoming infected.
Health economic evaluation of a herpes zoster vaccination programme for the elderly in Sweden
Publicerad:This report presents the health economic analyses informing the recommendation of herpes zoster vaccination for adults with increased risk for disease.
Evaluation of an introduction of vaccination against varicella in the Swedish national vaccination programme for children – Summary of evidence
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:The Communicable Diseases Ordinance contains 13 criteria that form the basis of an investigation of vaccination programmes. This knowledge base is a scientific review based on these criteria.
Methods and analysis of the long-term follow up of the effectiveness of one whole cell and two acellular pertussis vaccines – Technical report
Publicerad:Since 1997, the Public Health Agency of Sweden has conducted an Enhanced pertussis surveillance (EPS) of children with pertussis in Sweden. Part of the surveillance includes clinical information and vaccination histories. The methods used in the article are described in more detail in this
What you need to know about HPV
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:Information to parents about HPV and vaccination. HPV is a very infectious virus that can lead to cancer later in life. As from August 2020 all children in year 5 are offered vaccination against HPV in school. Girls have been offered this before. For boys this applies to those born in 2009 or later.
Health economic evaluation of varicella vaccination within the Swedish national vaccination programme for children
Publicerad:This health economic report presents a cost effectiveness analysis of introducing chickenpox vaccination for children in Sweden from a societal and healthcare perspective. It also includes analyses of costs and cost-savings at national and regional levels.
International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis – International Health Regulations (2005)
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:This leaflet is for sale to medical institutions vaccinating against yellow fever.
Information about vaccinations for people who are pregnant
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:If you are pregnant, vaccination against whooping cough, influenza and COVID-19 is recommended for your sake and that of your baby. Here you can read more about why, as well as what these diseases involve.
Health declaration – Vaccination
Publicerad:This form can be used by the regions in connection with vaccination. It can be completed digitally and printed on paper. Other versions Swedish version of this publication Via the link, the fact sheet is also available for download in other languages.
Health economic evaluation of universal HPV vaccination within the Swedish national vaccination programme for children
Publicerad:This report describes a health economic evaluation that investigates the potential cost-effectiveness of an extension of the national vaccination programme for children against human papilloma virus to also include boys. Today, only girls are offered vaccination within the national vaccination
Barriers and motivating factors to MMR vaccination in communities with low coverage in Sweden
Publicerad:The report presents results from a pilot test of Tailoring Immunization Programmes (TIP), a method developed by WHO/Europe to identify barriers and motivating factors to MMR vaccination in communities with low coverage in Sweden.
Vaccination mot tyfoidfeber
Uppdaterad:Tyfoidfeber är en svår sjukdom som i regel kräver sjukhusvård. Den finns över hela världen men är vanligare i fattigare länder med orent vatten och dålig hygien. I Sverige är den ovanlig, cirka tio fall rapporteras per år och i stort sett alla är smittade utomlands.
Vaccination mot japansk encefalit
Uppdaterad:Japansk encefalit är en virusorsakad hjärninflammation med hög dödlighet som främst finns i Sydostasien och angränsande länder. Sjukdomen sprids via myggor och drabbar ytterligt sällan turister.
Useful information for parents about vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:Useful information for parents about vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella within the Swedish vaccination programme.
Rekommendation om vaccination mot kikhosta för gravida
Publicerad:Version 1, aug 2022 Folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenderar vaccination mot kikhosta för gravida från gravidvecka 16. Syftet med vaccinationen är att skydda de allra yngsta spädbarnen mot svår sjukdom i kikhosta. För att skyddet skall överföras till barnet
Mikrobiellt övervakningsprogram för hepatit B
Uppdaterad:Hepatit B ingår i vårt mikrobiella övervakningsprogram. Här finns kort information om programmets syfte, omfattning och metodik.
Pågående och kommande undersökningar om covid-19
Uppdaterad:Folkhälsomyndigheten genomför och beställer undersökningar och studier för att stärka kunskapsläget kring covid-19. Vi arbetar tillsammans med olika samarbetspartners i landet.
Hälsodeklaration – Vaccination (franska)
Publicerad:Blankett på franska som kan användas av regionerna i samband med vaccination. Den kan fyllas i digitalt och skrivas ut på papper.
Uppdaterad:Vaccination mot humant papillomvirus (HPV) följs genom studier av vaccinationstäckning, vaccineffekt och säkerhet.