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278 träffar på age inom Hela webbplatsen
Att mäta övervikt och fetma bland barn
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:Faktablad som redovisar de nationella och internationella tillväxtkurvorna samt fördelar och nackdelar med dessa.
Covid-19 in schoolchildren – A comparison between Finland and Sweden
Publicerad:In conclusion, closure or not of schools has had little if any impact on the number of laboratory confirmed cases in school aged children in Finland and Sweden. The negative effects of closing schools must be weighed against the positive effects, if any, it might have on the mitigation of the covid
Useful information for parents about vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:Useful information for parents about vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella within the Swedish vaccination programme.
What you need to know about rotavirus
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:Information for parents about vaccination against rotavirus infection in the Swedish vaccination programme. Rotavirus infection is a highly contagious stomach disease that can be serious for young children. Vaccinating the child is the most effective protection against the infection.
Swedres 2008 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Information about vaccinations for people who are pregnant
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:If you are pregnant, vaccination against whooping cough, influenza and COVID-19 is recommended for your sake and that of your baby. Here you can read more about why, as well as what these diseases involve.
Swedres 2001 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Sexuality and health among young people in Sweden
Publicerad:The report is mainly intended for employees and decision-makers within county councils, municipalities, civil society organisations as well as relevant authorities and professional associations. The report aims to contribute with knowledge for health promotion and disease prevention work.
Swedres 2007 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2005 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2009 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2006 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
If you are the guardian of a young child – Protect your infant against respiratory infections such as RSV and whooping cough
Publicerad:This fact sheet provides a brief summary of how to protect infants from respiratory infections such as RSV and whooping cough.
National action programme for suicide prevention
Publicerad:The national action programme adopted by the Swedish Parliament in 2008 contains nine strategic areas of action to reduce the incidence of suicide. This brochure provides examples of what initiatives can be used in order to achieve this goal, and is directed at everyone working on, or about to
Swedres 2003 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2004 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Advice and facts about antibiotics and infections – Does your child have an acute ear infection?
Publicerad:This information sheet can be used as support in meetings between patients and doctors, or between patients and nurses. It is primarily intended to be used in connection with visits to health centres. Information for patients when visiting health centres.
Swedres-Svarm 2016
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2016 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Swedres 2010 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
How do adolescents view snus?
Publicerad:This factsheet summarise how some adolescents view the use of, exposure to, health aspects of and flavouring of snus.
Swedres-Svarm 2014
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2014 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Vaccination against mpox – a second update of vaccine recommendations due to increased spread of mpox clade 1
Publicerad:The Public Health Agency of Sweden has updated the recommendations for mpox vaccination due to increased spread of clade 1.
Uppföljning av vaccination mot covid-19
Uppdaterad:Uppföljningen av vaccinationerna mot covid-19 har omfattat många olika grupper men begränsas nu främst till personer 65 år och äldre. På denna sida beskrivs vaccinationstäckning och uppföljningen av vaccinationernas effekter.
Swedres-Svarm 2012
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2012 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Swedres-Svarm 2013
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2013 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary