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The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children is high and increases with age
Publicerad:The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children 6–9 years old is high and increases with age. These results were obtained from a survey of a representative sample in Sweden.
Overweight and obesity are common and increase with age in 6–9 year olds
Publicerad:Overweight and obesity among children, 6-9 year old, is becoming more common. In addition, overweight and obesity increase with age and there are geographical differences. Overweight and obesity are common among 6-9 year olds in Sweden. This shows a survey of children's height and weight that was carried out in the academic year 2018/2019. The results also show that overweight and obesity become…
Promote physical activity and limit sedentary behaviour – Guidelines and recommendations for physical activity and sedentary behaviour
Publicerad:The recommendations for physical activity and sedentary behaviour apply to all population groups in Sweden, regardless of age, gender, cultural background, socioeconomic status, or disability.
Recommendations for children’s and adolescents’ digital media use
Publicerad:The recommendations for children up to 12 years of age are primarily aimed at parents and other adults who meet the children in their everyday life.
Folke asks about viruses and bacteria (Conversation cards)
Publicerad:The cards include pictures and text and can be used as they are to read the story Folke, or to talk about individual pictures. The material is intended for children of preschool age.
Test purchases of medium-strong beer, tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and refill containers, and over-the-counter medicines
Publicerad:This fact sheet contains information about test purchases and what they mean for those who sell or hand over medium-strong beer, tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and refill containers, and over-the-counter medicines.
Pertussis surveillance in Sweden – 23rd annual report
Publicerad:This report is primarily written for health care professionals, particularly those working in maternal and child health care, school health care, primary care, and those working in the counties’ Departments of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention as well as public health officials and
Swedres-Svarm 2021
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2020 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Overweight and obesity among school children 11–15-year-old continues to increase
Publicerad:The proportion of school children with overweight or obesity has doubled over the past 30 years according to the results from Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), a survey of 11–15-year-olds.
Influenza in Sweden – Season 2019–2020
Publicerad:This report describes the monitoring systems for influenza in use during the winter season of 2019–2020 and the results of both epidemiological and virological surveillance. Data are also compared to previous influenza seasons. The report has been prepared for the World Health Organization (WHO)
Information about sales of tobacco-free nicotine products to consumers
Publicerad:The information sheet summarises certain provisions that apply to the sale of tobacco-free nicotine products. It is important that you as a retailer know all the rules that apply to your business.
Health economic evaluation of varicella vaccination within the Swedish national vaccination programme for children
Publicerad:This health economic report presents a cost effectiveness analysis of introducing chickenpox vaccination for children in Sweden from a societal and healthcare perspective. It also includes analyses of costs and cost-savings at national and regional levels.
Information about the sale of electronic cigarettes and refill containers to consumers
Publicerad:This information sheet is intended for those who sell or intend to start selling electronic cigarettes and refill containers to consumers (retailers).
Influenza in Sweden – Season 2022–2023
Publicerad:This report describes epidemiological and virological surveillance results for the influenza season of 2022–2023 in Sweden. Data are also compared to previous influenza seasons.
Health economic evaluation of a herpes zoster vaccination programme for the elderly in Sweden
Publicerad:This report presents the health economic analyses informing the recommendation of herpes zoster vaccination for adults with increased risk for disease.
Influenza in Sweden – Season 2021–2022
Publicerad:This report describes the monitoring systems for influenza in use during the winter season of 2021–2022 and the results of both epidemiological and virological surveillance. Data are also compared to previous influenza seasons.
Evaluation of an introduction of vaccination against varicella in the Swedish national vaccination programme for children – Summary of evidence
Publicerad:Uppdaterad:The Communicable Diseases Ordinance contains 13 criteria that form the basis of an investigation of vaccination programmes. This knowledge base is a scientific review based on these criteria.
Protection by a third and fourth dose of vaccine against COVID-19 among persons aged 65 years and older – Based on Swedish data from February to August 2022
Publicerad:This report presents an analysis of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) after a fourth dose in relation to SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe outcomes due to the omicron variant among persons aged 65 years and older in Sweden.
The Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 Pandemic in Sweden, 2009–2010
Publicerad:This report summarizes the influenza A(H1N1)2009 pandemic in Sweden between April 24, 2009 and May 23, 2010. The report is based on data from the various surveillance systems used during the pandemic. The systems are presented in some detail to facilitate the reader’s understanding of the quality
Health economic evaluation of universal HPV vaccination within the Swedish national vaccination programme for children
Publicerad:This report describes a health economic evaluation that investigates the potential cost-effectiveness of an extension of the national vaccination programme for children against human papilloma virus to also include boys. Today, only girls are offered vaccination within the national vaccination
Sexual and reproductive health and rights in Sweden 2017 – Results from the population-based survey SRHR2017
Publicerad:The results show that the sexual health in Sweden is good, 58% of the population report being satisfied with their sex life. Men to a higher extent than women (28% versus 18%) think they do not have sex often enough. More women than men (20% versus 10%) report having felt too tired or stressed to
Influenza in Sweden – Season 2020–2021
Publicerad:This report describes the monitoring systems for influenza in use during the winter season of 2020–2021 and the results of both epidemiological and virological surveillance. Data are also compared to previous influenza seasons.
Hälsosamt åldrande
Uppdaterad:Det går inte att undvika det naturliga åldrandet, men det går att stärka det friska och skjuta upp funktionsnedsättningar. Hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande insatser från såväl samhällets som individens sida kan förbättra livskvalitén och bidra till minskade samhällskostnader för vård och
Influenza in Sweden – Season 2023–2024
Publicerad:2023–2024 Season This report describes epidemiological and virological surveillance results for the 2023-2024 influenza season in Sweden. Data are also compared to previous influenza seasons. Appendices 1, 2 and 3 contain phylogenetic trees for influenza A(H3N2), influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and
Swedres 2002 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.