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LyssnaRelaterade sökfrågor: klebsiella pneumoniae antibiotika 2024
125 träffar på klebsiella pneumoniae inom Hela webbplatsen
Internationell rapportering till EARS-Net och GLASS
Uppdaterad:Nationellt sammanställd resistensdata rapporteras årligen till EARS-Net (the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network) och GLASS (Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System).
ResNet för nationella punktprevalensmätningar (100-stamsstudier)
Uppdaterad:ResNet var ett internetbaserat stödverktyg för registrering av laboratoriernas kvantitativa mätresultat (zoner och MIC-värden från "100-stamsstudier" och sentinelövervakning) och användes mellan 1994 och 2014.
ESBL-producerande tarmbakterier
Publicerad:Sammanfattad kunskap om detektion, epidemiologisk typning, vårdhygien och behandling vid infektioner med Enterobacteriaceae med ESBL, inklusive ESBL-CARBA. Förslag på handläggning för diagnostik, behandling och vård av patienter som har infektioner orsakade av Enterobacteriaceae med ESBL eller som
Swedres 2013 – i korthet
Publicerad:Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine Swedres 2013 – i korthet sammanfattar försäljningsstatisk över antibiotika och antibiotikaresistens hos bakterier på humansidan. Under 2013 minskade antibiotikaförsäljningen i Sverige med 8 procent.
Swedres 2006 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres-Svarm 2019
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2019 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Swedres 2009 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2007 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2005 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2010 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2002 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2001 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2011 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2008 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres 2003 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres-Svarm 2016
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2016 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Swedres-Svarm 2012
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2012 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Swedres-Svarm 2015
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2015 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Rena händer räddar liv: Allt du vill veta om handhygien
Publicerad:Fördjupad information om hur smittämnen överförs och hur man genom en god handhygien kan förhindra smittspridning. Broschyren är avsedd för vård- och omsorgspersonal.
Svenska HALT, Metodbeskrivning
Publicerad:Punktprevalensmätning av vårdrelaterade infektioner och antibiotikaanvändning inom särskilt boende Metodbeskrivningen vänder sig till dig som praktiskt ska utföra mätning av vårdrelaterade infektioner, riskfaktorer och antibiotikaanvändning på särskilt boende. Här hittar du fördjupad information om
Swedres 2004 – A Report on Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine
Publicerad:The report shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals.
Swedres-Svarm 2013
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2013 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Swedres-Svarm 2014
Publicerad:Sales of antibiotics and occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Sweden Swedres-Svarm 2014 shows statistics on antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance in bacteria from both humans and animals. The report is a co-production between the Public Health Agency of Sweden the National Veterinary
Swedres 2012 – i korthet
Publicerad:Swedish Antibiotic Utilisation and Resistance in Human Medicine Swedres 2012 – i korthet sammanfattar försäljningsstatisk över antibiotika och antibiotikaresistens hos bakterier på humansidan. Relaterad läsning Swedres-Svarm 2012 Swedres-Svarm årsrapporter
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