International collaborations regarding antibiotic resistance

Sweden is actively involved in international efforts regarding antibiotic resistance through bilateral engagment with other countries and cooperation with international organisations, such as the EU, WHO, WOAH, FAO, UNEP and UN.

Two persons in boats with different flags saying hello. Illustration.

WHO Collaborating Centre for antimicrobial resistance containment

The Government of Sweden and the Public Health Agency of Sweden are actively supporting WHO in the implementation of the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The Department of Communicable Disease Control and Health Protection at the Public Health Agency of Sweden is a designated WHO Collaborating Centre for AMR Containment since 2016, supporting a broad and integrated approach for actions taken at all levels to ensure access to medicines, diagnostics and stewardship along with forming the strategic direction of plans and activities.

An important cornerstone is the collection and use of data of both antibiotic use and resistance for local and global action. The Collaborating Centre is a member of the WHO Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance and Quality Assessment Collaborating Centres Network, in support to the implementation of GLASS in Member States. GLASS (Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System) was launched by WHO in 2015 to promote “a standardized approach to the collection, analysis and sharing of AMR data at a global level”.

WHO AMR Surveillance and Quality Assessment Collaborating Centres Network (

Together with the Swedish government, the Centre has hosted several high-level WHO meetings on GLASS, the latest being the 3rd High Level Technical Consultation and Meeting on Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance and Use for Concerted Actions in 2021.

Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being

The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS) is a cooperation platform of partner countries and international organisations, including the WHO and the European Commission, which operates on different levels, including activities such as high-level ministerial dialogues and an extensive network of experts.

NDPHS is the coordinator of Policy Area Health within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).

Sweden, represented by the Public Health Agency of Sweden, is lead country and chair of the Antimicrobial Resistance Expert Group (AMR-EG). The expert group is one of seven expert groups that make up a network coordinated by the NDPHS. The AMR-EG currently has active representatives from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. The group has meetings two to four times a year, where the experts exchange information, ideas and experience. Research and implementation projects are also conducted within the group.

Antimicrobial Resistance - NDPHS (

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (

Supporting implementation of One Health national action plans on AMR in the Baltic sea area

Through funding by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Board of Agriculture and the Public Health Agency of Sweden support the development and implementation of One Health national action plans (NAP) in the Baltic States. The BALTOHOP project (2023-2025) -building on the previous project LATOHOP - is a collaboration with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Denmark. The objective is to facilitate and guide the establishment of national Intersectoral Coordinating Mechanisms (ICM) that will then lead the work on the National Action Plans. The project will also provide tools for actions taken on the professional level to promote AMR stewardship.

An important aspect of BALTOHOP is the sharing of knowledge and experiences among the participants as well as gaining new insights. In the first year of the project, several meetings have been held, including online seminars and workshops as well as onsite country visits.

JAMRAI 2, Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections 2

Joint Actions (JA) are collaborative projects involving several EU and associated countries with the objective to address key EU health policy priorities.

In January 2024 more than 30 partner countries launched a JA entiteled JAMRAI 2. The JA aims to contribute to several EU4Health policy priorities such as strengthening coordination between partner countries and the responsiveness of health systems against AMR. It also promotes capacity building between partners and aims at making Europe a best practice region in the fight against AMR.

The Public Health Agency of Sweden holds leadership positions in two work packages with focus on Access and integrated One Health surveillance. The JA has a total budget of 50 million euro (excluding co-funding) and will run for four years.

Global Health Security Agenda

Sweden is also an active member of the Global Health Security Agenda, an initiative for a multilateral and multi-sectorial approach to strengthen both the global capacity and nations' capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious diseases threats. Nearly 50 nations, international organisations, and non-governmental stakeholders are involved, and the Public Health Agency of Sweden is active in the work within the AMR Action Package.

ReAct – Action on Antibiotic Resistance

ReAct – Action on Antibiotic Resistance has its European office located in Sweden. ReAct is an international network dedicated to the issue of antibiotic resistance with the aim to stimulate and advocate for strengthened global engagement.

ReAct – Action on Antibiotic Resistance (

The Regulatory Agencies Global Network against AMR – RAGNA

The RAGNA network consists of representatives from regulatory agencies globally, for both human and veterinary medicines. The objectives for this network are to strengthen international collaboration between regulatory agencies against AMR, identify concrete actions that regulatory agencies can contribute with against AMR, and exchange experiences and good practices between regulatory agencies, both for human and veterinary medicines. The RAGNA secretariat is hosted by the Swedish Medical Products Agency.

Regulatory Agencies Global Network against AMR - RAGNA (


WaterAid is an international not-for-profit federation with one of its member organisations based in Sweden. Wateraid is determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene (WASH) normal for everyone everywhere within a generation. WaterAid is working in 23 countries and is supported by offices in the UK, US, Australia, Sweden, Canada, Japan and India.

We are WaterAid (