Previous Swedish vaccination programmes

On this page you find a table showing how the Swedish vaccination programme for children has evolved over the years.

Table: Previous Swedish vaccination programmes.
Vaccine against Introduced Earlier
Smallpox Early 1800s 1976  Compulsory for the whole population until the disease was eradicated
Tuberculosis 1940s 1975  1 dose to newborn children
Tuberculosis 1940s 1986 1 booster dose at 14–15 yrs
Tuberculosis 1986  still valid only for at risk groups
Diphtheria and tetanus 1940s 1986  3 doses between 3 and 12 mths
Diphtheria and tetanus 1965 1977 1 booster dose at 7–8 yrs
Diphtheria and tetanus 1977 2007 1 booster dose at 10 yrs (children born until 2001)
Diphtheria and tetanus 1986  still valid 3 doses at 3, 5 and 12 mths
Diphtheria and tetanus 2007  still valid 2 booster doses at 5–6 yrs and 14–16 yrs (children born from 2002)
Whooping cough 1950s 1979  3 doses between 3 and 12 mths
Whooping cough 2005 2007 1 booster dose at 10 yrs (children born until 2001)
Whooping cough 1996 still valid 3 doses at 3, 5 and 12 mths
Whooping cough 2007  still valid 2 booster doses at 5–6 yrs and 14–16 yrs (children born from 2002)
Polio 1957  1986  3 doses between 9 and 18 mths
Polio 1957 1977 1 booster dose at 7–8 yrs
Polio 1986 still valid 3 doses at 3, 5 and 12 mths
Polio 1977 still valid 1 booster dose at 5–6 yrs
Measles 1971 1982 1 dose after 18 mths
Rubella 1974 1982  1 dose to girls at 12 yrs
Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) combivaccine 1982 2007 2 doses at 18 mths and 12 yrs (children born until 2001)
Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) combivaccine 2007 still valid 2 doses at 18 mths and at 6–8 yrs(children born from 2002)
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) 1993 still valid 3 doses at 3, 5 and 12 mths
Hepatitis B 1996 still valid only for at risk groups
Pneumococcal disease 2009 still valid 3 doses at 3, 5 and 12 mths
Human papillomavirus (HPV) 2010 2014 3 doses to girls born 1999 or later during school years 5–6
Human papillomavirus (HPV) 2015 2020 2 doses to girls 10–12 yrs during school years 5–6, for girls older than 13 yrs three dose schedule is valid
Human papillomavirus (HPV) 2020 still valid 2 doses to both girls and boys (boys born 2009 and later) during school year 5
Rotavirus 2019 still valid 2 doses at 6 weeks and 3 mths