Recommended vaccinations

Recommendations for vaccination aim towards protecting children and adults with an increased risk of becoming infected or of becoming severely ill following an infection. The regions can choose whether or not to implement the recommendations, and if the individual has to pay for the vaccination or not.

The Public Health Agency has issued recommendations for vaccination against several diseases. These supplement the national vaccination programmes.

Vaccination programmes

Vaccinations that are recommended

  • Diphtheria and tetanus - All adults are recommended to be protected against diphtheria and tetanus, and to recieve a booster dose every 20 years.
  • Hepatitis B - The vaccination is recommended for all infants. Babies born to hepatitis B-infected mothers follow a special vaccination schedule. Vaccination is also recommended for persons at increased risk of being infected or suffering serious disease as a result of hepatitis B, and should also be given to people who have been exposed to hepatitis B infection, in some cases in combination with specific immunoglobulin treatment.
  • HPV - Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) is recommended to all unvaccinated persons up to and including 26 years of age.
  • Influenza - Persons 65 years and above, pregnant women and persons with certain underlying diseases (including children) are recommended annual, seasonal vaccination against influenza.
  • Measles, mumps and rubella - Everyone is recommended to be protected against measles, mumps and rubella.
  • Mpox - vaccination against mpox is recommended to particular groups at increased risk of infection. The vaccine can also be given as post-exposure prophylaxis.
  • Pertussis - Women are recommended vaccination against pertussis during the second or third trimester of every pregnancy. A combined vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis is used for vaccination.
  • Pneumoccoccal disease - In addition to the groups covered by the national vaccination programme for risk groups, the Public Health Agency recommends vaccination of everyone 65 years and above, those with prior invasive pneumococcal infections, smokers, welders, and persons with alcohol or drug addiction.
  • Polio - Everyone is recommended to be vaccinated against polio. Additional doses may be necessary before travelling to or from countries with ongoing circulation of polio virus.
  • RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) - Vaccination is recommended to all persons 75 years and above, and those 60 years and above with specific underlying conditions.
  • Shingles - Vaccination against herpes zoster is recommended to adults at increased risk of disease. This includes everyone 65 years and above, and those 18-64 years old with immunodeficiency due to disease or treatment.
  • Tuberculosis - Vaccination against tuberculosis is recommended for children at increased risk of infection, but not for adults. The vaccine is normally administered to at-risk children born in Sweden at 6 weeks of age.

In addition, vaccination against invasive meningococcal disease and rabies could be applicable for certain groups.