Alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine products, and gambling

The Public Health Agency of Sweden is responsible for coordinated monitoring within alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine products, and gambling. We also compile, analyse, and disseminate knowledge in order to prevent related illness.

Our mission also includes overall supervision under the Alcohol and Tobacco Acts. In addition, the agency is responsible for establishing the basis for the classification of drugs and goods hazardous to health.

Learn more by clicking on the various topics in the below

  • Alcohol

    The prevalence of alcohol consumption in the past 30 days in the population 17 to 84 years was 75 percent in 2022. The prevalence has remained fairly stable since 2011, but decreased a couple of percentage points during the pandemic, and has not since recovered.

  • Legal requirements for manufacturing, importing, wholesale and retail alcohol

    We provide information about manufacturing and trade of alcoholic beverages, technical spirits and alcoholic preparations in Sweden. There is also information for those who serve, arrange tastings or in any other way handle alcoholic beverages in Sweden.

  • Tobacco and nicotine products

    Tobacco smoking has decreased in the population since the 1980’s, while snus use has increased in recent years after having remained relatively unchanged for a longer period of time. The use of nicotine products, such as nicotine pouches and e-cigarettes, has increased among young people in recent years.

  • Legal requirements for manufacturing, importing, wholesale and retail tobacco and nicotine products

    We provide information on how e-cigarettes and refill containers, herbal products for smoking, tobacco products and tobacco free nicotine products are regulated in Sweden. This information applies to manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retailers of these products.

  • Narcotics

    Cannabis is the most common narcotic drug in Sweden. In the age group 16–84 years 3.5 percent of men and 1.6 percent of women have used cannabis over the past 12 months in 2024.

  • Doping

    According to national representative surveys which have been conducted in Sweden, approximately one percent of men and less than 0.5 percent of women have tried anabolic-androgenic steroids at some point.

  • Gambling

    The proportion with some degree of gambling problems in the past year is around 4 percent in the Swedish population. 130.000 people share a household with someone experiencing gambling problems.

  • Goods dangerous to health

    The Public Health Agency of Sweden is tasked with monitoring and considering the need for non-medical goods to be classed as narcotics and the need to control goods under the terms of the Prohibition of Certain Goods Dangerous to Health Act (Lag om förbud mot vissa hälsofarliga varor (SFS 1999:42).

  • Monitoring of alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine products, and gambling

    The Public Health Agency of Sweden is responsible for overall coordination and monitoring of a policy for alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine products, and gambling 2022–2025.

  • SMADIT – a joint action against alcohol and drugs in traffic

    Through SMADIT, Joint action against alcohol and drugs in traffic, a person who has been caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is offered immediate support to address their abuse or hazadous use. The goal is to decrease the number of repeat offenders and traffic accidents. Local collaboration is a core component of the SMADIT model.