Legal requirements for manufacturing, importing, wholesale and retail alcohol
We provide information about manufacturing and trade of alcoholic beverages, technical spirits and alcoholic preparations in Sweden. There is also information for those who serve, arrange tastings or in any other way handle alcoholic beverages in Sweden.
This information applies to manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retailers of these products. Please note that you have a responsibility to ensure that the products you provide and sell to consumers on the Swedish market meet the legal requirements.

Learn more by clicking on the various topics in the below
Rules for the manufacturing and trade with alcoholic beverages
There are rules for the manufacturing och trade with alcoholic beverages. Here you will find the information that you need to know if you are trading with alcoholic beverages.
Technical spirits and alcoholic preparations
Alcoholic products which are not alcoholic beverages or medicinal products are classified as technical spirits and alcoholic preparations even referred to as substances containing alcohol.
Supervision of alcohol
The Public Health Agency of Sweden is the national supervisory authority for the manufacture and wholesale of alcoholic beverages, the import and sale of technical spirits and trade in alcoholic preparations. You can learn more about our supervisory assignment and working methods here.