Traceability marking and security features on tobacco products

Unit packets of tobacco products must carry a traceability marking and a tamper proof security feature. This applies for all tobacco products, produced in or imported to the European Union, from May 20th 2024.

Unit packets without these markings may not be sold. The purpose of the traceability system and the security features system is to reduce the circulation of non-compliant tobacco products. The traceability label enables the tobacco product to be traced from the production site to the retail outlet. The security features enables authorities and consumers to verify the tobacco products authenticity.

Updates 2024-05-24

The pages on traceability marking and security features have been updated as the rules applies to all tobacco products from May 20th 2024.

The ID issuer All Soft Corp gets renewed assignment

The Public Health Authority of Sweden has after a procurement process, signed a new agreement with the Slovak company All Soft Corp s.r.o. (formerly Allexis) as the role of Swedish ID issuer for traceability of tobacco products.

The new agreement enters into force on February 20, 2024 and is valid until February 2029.

National ID issuer (traceability of tobacco products)

More about traceability marking and security features

The European Commission's website ‘Systems for tobacco traceability and security features’ is updated regularly with information for relevant actors.

Discussions on the systems of traceability and security features for tobacco products take place on a regular basis in the Subgroup on Traceability and Security Features. The summaries from these meetings can be found on the website, in the Events section. For ease of navigation, it is also possible to consult a single, searchable document compiling Q&As and past Subgroup discussions (from February 2018 until November 2021).

It is important that all events are reported in the correct order and that the right information is transferred to the system in the correct manner. The Commission has collected common mistakes and how to correct them in a brochure:

EU System of Tobacco Traceability: Common reporting mistakes (

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Further reading