
Cannabis is the most common narcotic drug in Sweden. In the age group 16–84 years 3.5 percent of men and 1.6 percent of women have used cannabis over the past 12 months in 2024.

Cannabis use is more common among young people than older people. In 2024, in the age group 16–29 years, 7.4 percent of men and 5.1 percent of women reported that they have used cannabis over the past 12 months. In the same age group, 3.3 percent of men and 1.9 percent of women had used other narcotics than cannabis over the past 12 months.

The proportion of school pupils who report that they have used narcotics over the past 12 months has varied over time. In school year 9 the proportion was around 4 percent among boys and girls in 2024. The corresponding figures for year 2 of upper secondary school were around 11 and 8 percent respectively. Cannabis is the most common type of narcotic which students in year 2 of upper secondary school have used.

Over all, illicit drug use is less common in Sweden compared to many other European countries.

The Public Health Agency of Sweden is responsible for

  • building and conveying knowledge within the narcotics area to relevant stakeholders
  • promoting coordination of the work within the narcotics area at the national level, and for monitoring
  • serving as a national focal point for cooperation with the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
  • examining and monitoring the need of classification of new psychoactive substances and certain goods hazardous to health.

We also provide financial support to various projects aiming to build and disseminate knowledge of preventative work within the alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and gambling areas.