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LyssnaRelaterade sökfrågor: webinarium temperatur seminarium
4 träffar på webinar inom Hela webbplatsen
Swedish policies for improving access to antibiotics – webinar
Uppdaterad:An opportunity to hear speakers from three Swedish government agencies share their experiences of developing and implementing public health, pricing and regulatory policies to improve access to antibiotics in Sweden.
Swedish policies for improving access to antibiotics – webinar
Uppdaterad:An opportunity to hear speakers from three Swedish government agencies share their experiences of developing and implementing public health, pricing and regulatory policies to improve access to antibiotics in Sweden.
Health economic evaluation of a herpes zoster vaccination programme for the elderly in Sweden
Publicerad:This report presents the health economic analyses informing the recommendation of herpes zoster vaccination for adults with increased risk for disease.
En hållbar och hälsosam livsmedelskonsumtion – Återredovisning av regeringsuppdrag
Publicerad:I rapporten listar myndigheterna sex delmål med de viktigaste förändringar på befolkningsnivå som behöver ske fram till år 2035.